My World view broadened expotentially this year and earthquakes in China and cyclones in Burma are no longer tragedies in random places of the World.  These are events in places where I have seen the eyes of lost people and received hugs from fellow brothers and sisters. 

While I don’t know anyone personally in either of the affected areas, I do know missionaries working hard to show the Love of Jesus in both places.  Sarah Burrows is currently on the Race with the Sept team and they have been forwarded the following email.  I am absolutely dumbfounded by the faith and positive attitude displayed in such hard circumstances.

As I sit in America and listen to people complain about gas prices, how far their kids have to walk to school, what kind of car they have, their co-worker, boss, etc..I can’t help but think about the living conditions of the rest of the World.   I can’t help but let my mind wander to our friends in the Burmese refugee camp in Thailand, the missionaries we met living in China, and afflicted people all over the world.  THESE people know true suffering, but you would never know it by the joy in their hearts and the absolute light that radiates from them.

As you read, please pray.  Not just for the people suffering, but also for the missionaries who are using this opportunity to reveal the power and love of God.  The following letter comes from a Chinese Christian living in the aftermath of the earthquake.  Please understand that they have to be careful when corresponding with other Christians and have used “safe codes”.

Hey Everyone!

Thanks for all your emails, concerns and prayers!

We are
safe! The big earthquake came about 2:30pm Monday afternoon, the
epicenter was in a town 3 hours from where we live. It measured a 7.8
on the Richter Scale and was felt as far away as Beijing. It was quite
long and it shocked this unprepared city. We were in our 6th floor
apartment when it happened and stayed inside for the whole major shock
which lasted over 2 minutes!. Things were falling and shaking and
swaying, we quickly prayed for protection but were full of faith, the
quakes continued and so we decided to start praying for God to shake
this city AWAKE and SHAKE them until their faith will be in HIM! It was
an awesome shout of prayers and our spirits welcomed the Lord’s as we
knew He was saying HE is coming soon! After the 1st shake, we grabbed
some tracks and B’s and ran outside because we knew the people would be
scared! Scared Chinese people ran outside and filled the streets. It
was very chaotic! Shops closed and everyone was told to sleep outside!
Tents were set up in parks and people covered the streets. We, and
other brother and sisters had chances all night to share and pray for
people, but even though the advice was not to return to our house, we
felt the Ld told us we could, 2 friends joined us. Quakes rocked us all
night, and through today too, but not as big as yesterday. Today people
are still scared and we are asking for OPEN DOORS! This is what we have
asked for !! A Big SHAKE to this place!

believers were told that time is short and to be alive and in him
daily–this was very significant because it was felt in ASIA all the
way to Bangkok! The day before, our Sunday house group met and we had a
word from the LD that we need to be eagerly desiring the gifts of the
SP. That meeting was very significant! Believers were encouraging to me
because we were all like-minded —not afraid and ready to witness!

have been casualties. Especially in villages and town in the Qiang and
Tibetans regions where we have friends and have been many times. Please
lift them up. It is reported that more than 10,000 have died, please
lift them up, please pray for the children trapped in schools, please
ask for the minority regions that were hit, and their souls. Please
lift up the continual shaking of this place in hearts. Still trying to
reach some friends.

Thank you that you are with us! We are HIS! His hand is always on US!

of our friends apartments are cracked all over but ours has not a
single crack! We are truly protected! He commanded the shaking not to
affect our house.

JC calmed the storm when he was with the disciples in the boat the were
amazed- “Who is this? Even the wind and waves obey him!” Mark 4:41

We are so glad that we are all IN HIS BOAT!!!!

Please join them in their prayers for their city and for all the miracles they will see through this tradgedy… thank you!