Jules! Wow, she is amazing. I just love her in every way and love watching the Lord work in her. She has truly become a beautiful person this year, inside and out. If you ask her, she will tell you that she wasn’t sure we were going to be friends this year–but the Lord had better plans! I can’t imagine life without her and we are already planning our next adventures.

Julie is our team introvert (amongst 6 other loud extroverts!), and we constantly tease her that she is always disappearing. Early in the race we discovered that she was always mysteriously “missing” when we were looking for her and to this day she will deny it–but we love her for it. Jules just has a charm about her that I can’t really put my finger on, but you know it as soon as you meet her. Plus, she is drop dead gorgeous!! She has had more random friends this year than all of us combined and we don’t blink an eye anymore when one of her new friends turns up at dinner with us. She has a light within her that people are attracted to and has the purest heart of anyone I have met.

She is always trying to get me to eat some strange soy nuts, or take viatmins, or eat healthy, but is also always up for ice cream! She was a constant running buddy all year and always ready to tackle the healthy lifestyle with me. Safe to say we both fell off and on that wagon about a million times and have all but given up at this point!

I am not sure what happens about 9PM every night, but something shifts in Jules and she magically becomes so giggly. There are so many nights we have stayed up late laughing with “rum tooth cindy” and “Cindy Lou Hoo” (our favorite nicknames); I am so going to miss our late night laugh sessions and discussions. Jules has a secret obsession with the Peninsula Hotel chain and has a life goal to have High Tea in every Peninsula in the World. There are only 6 and she has been to 3, so she is well on her way! Jules, I promise next time I will go with you!

Behind her timid smile and beautiful eyes is an incredible woman of God. I have seen her take hold of the anointing the Lord has put on her life and go for it this year. She has become an amazing prayer warrior and I have loved seeing her come alive in her giftings. The Lord has truly given her a heart of compassion and I have NO doubt that she will heals thousands of people with her tears of compassion. Julie has been such a friend and more to me this year. She has loved me through some unloveable moments and was always quick to remind me that I was a cherished daughter of the King. She speaks life, truth and LOVE in everything that she does and I love her to pieces.

Jules: I love you and can’t wait for our summer travels. You are going to go home and light up America girl! Thank you for being you. Thank you for being so patient, so loving and so stinking funny. Thank you for being different than me and yet still encouraging me to be me. This year would have been so different without your sweet spirit amongst us. Much love!