Katey is a true Texas Diva!  Who knew you could go a whole year and look fabulous every single day!  Katey has completely defied the odds and was always ready with matching earrings and perfect hair!  We are still trying to figure it out. 

Fortunately for us, Katey also happens to be a trauma nurse and we have put her skills to the test on many occasions.  She has done clinic runs, hospital stays, tick bite fever, stomach issues, strep throat and everything in between.  And we quickly learned that Cipro is NEVER the answer–just ask her!  (Unless of course, you are truly dying!)  She has doctored us through some hard times and we are all still healthy and kicking!

If we did team superlatives Katey would definitely get my award for “Most Spiritual Growth”.  I saw a hunger in Katey this year that is hard to match.  She went from being a somewhat “timid” Christian to an absolute powerhouse.  It was an amazing transformation to watch and such a testimony to the power of God to work in a willing spirit.  Katey will stand up and speak at the drop of a hat and I could always count on her to speak truth.

Not only did she grow so much, she is also tons of fun to be around.  I have so many fun memories–eating WAY too much peanut butter, rooming together in Cambodia, Salsa dancing in Guatemala, Subic Bay fun, and the list goes on.

Kate:  you are the best!  Thank you for taking such good care of us this year and for being our fashion icon.  I am so proud of you and am blown away watching the Lord work in your life.  Thank you for your honesty and realness in the midst of it all.  Love you girl!