I really don’t know where to begin with this precious friend. Esther has been just about everything to me this year: running buddy extraordinaire, confidant, friend, ministry partner, the one who challenges me, my sanity, and sooo much more.

From the very beginning (conference calls at home!) I had a feeling that Esther and I were going to be close. We have similar backgrounds (both accountants), both sold houses and cars to come on the Race, both were “older”, etc…but I had no idea she would become a ‘forever friend” and impact my life so much this year. Esther was the first person I cried in front of and admitted I wanted to go home. She was the first person I went running with, the first person that challenged me, and the first person to encourage me to seek the Lord.

When I think of Esther I think devotion. She is probably the only one of us that faithfully did quiet time EVERY morning, no matter what. I remember freezing in Africa and Esther would be wrapped up in her sleeping bag reading her Bible early in the morning. We have shared MANY a living space, bunk beds, car seats, etc…and Esther was always there reading.

We have had some amazing runs–in just about every country. The Lord gifted us by the fact that we run the same pace and were usually in similar shape. We have spend hours and miles traversing Africa, Asia, and Central America in our running shoes. We have had some hilarious moments and breath-taking God moments. Esther has heard things from me on those runs that no one else ever would. We prayed as we ran, admitted our fears, shared struggles, and encouraged as we logged the miles. When I was at the end of myself Esther always led me to the foot of the cross and I am better because of it.

We are pretty much polar opposites: liberal/conservative, loud/quiet, impulsive/pensive, reckless/thoughtful, but I have been so blessed by her friendship. She has talked me down off MANY a ledge and knocked a whole lot of sense into me when I needed it. She always let me vent and then would quietly re-direct.

Esther: Thank you for loving me. Thank you for seeing the real Allison and loving her anyways. Thank you for always being ready for a run, always encouraging, and always speaking truth (even when I didn’t want to hear it!). It has been quite the year and I could never write about it all–but know you are so respected and loved.