Tamara, or Tam Tam- as I like to call her, was my personal piece of home this year. Tamara and I attended the same church back home and shared many of the same friends. When I found out she too was joining the Race I was thrilled. There were many points along the Race when we would share little remembrances and memories of people and places that would somehow ease the tension of being away.

Tamara and I are pretty much polar opposites, but share the same heart of the Lord. He has gifted her with so many things that I can only pray for the Lord to increase in me. Tamara has a deep heart of compassion and an amazing ability with kids. I watched her play with orphans in Africa and the Philippines and she connected with them in such a way that could only reflect the heart of Jesus.

My favorite memory of Tamara is on the beaches of Thailand, where she created quite the stir while wearing a particular hat and attracted an interesting creature. She has the best sense of humor and can always be counted on to make funny faces in every picture. She has deep relationships on our squad and has poured so much of herself out into others. Tamara’s tender heart allows her to be an amazing vessel for the Lord.

Tam Tam, I love you and am so glad to be able to share this year with you. Thank you for always letting me remember home with you and share the latest gossip ☺. The Lord is at work in your life and your transparency is refreshing. Thank you for being you.

Ephesians 3:12 “In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence.”