Christy is one of the most joyful people I have ever met. Her laugh is infectious enough to make everyone within a 5-mile radius start laughing too.

Because of multiple reasons I was able to send a decent amount of time in and amongst team LEGO and their entire team was a huge blessing to me. They laughed, joked and goofed around more than any other team on the Race. I remember nights laying in bed reading in Thailand and could hear Christy’s laugh echo up the stairs.

God blessed Christy with an extremely joyful personality that she used to the fullest amongst all the children we met along our journeys. In Swaziland Christy was able to connect with the children at the Care Points in Nsoko and lead them in songs, the alphabet and general silliness. She had a way of completely disarming them and showing them the love of Jesus when the rest of us were shy and wanted to hang back.

Because of her love for and background with the kids Christy was also instrumental in helping to teach the Go-Go’s (Grandma’s) at the Care Points. She helped to organize a teacher training day and loved leading the Go-Go’s in songs and further education. Throughout our time in Asia she was deeply involved with kids we met along the way. There were always a couple hanging off of her and she seemed to attract those who were shy and sometimes overlooked.

Christy is fiercely loyal and I have watched her smile and cry with love for her family. Her Granddad means so much to her and we have prayed and supported her and him through some health problems and struggles. Her love for her family is so obvious and we have all enjoyed stories about the antics for her Granddad.

Her love of family easily transferred to her World Race family and she was very connected with her team. The girls complemented each other so well and moved in sync throughout the community living. She and Silas competed with each other for the title of “most witty” and most of the time Christy had him. She could always be counted on for a laugh and quick remark. Christy’s joy was a needed and awesome part of our World Race family and her laughter will be missed!

Proverbs 17:22 “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”