Celebrity Status

There is a new phenomenon in Phnom Penh these days: World Raeers.

No joking, we cause traffic to stop, people to stare (and I mean stare), and work to come to a halt as we pass by. It is rather entertaining what a stir we can cause just by walking down the street.

As we exit our home for the month and head down the alley we are greeted by at least 35 (we counted) “HELLO! HELLO! HELLO”‘s. Children run to us and want to be picked up, tickled, hugged, or just check us out. Their parents and grandparents have started to get brave and smile and cautiously say hello as well. We can have full-fledged ministry just by walking two feet out the front door.

Many times this week we have joked ‘what will we do when we get home and no one comes running every time we leave the house?”

Danny, a September racer I am working with this month, filmed this video as we left for ministry earlier this week. Enjoy!

“Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.” Hebrews 13:2