Hi everyone:

I apologize for the lack of updates, but I promise there is one coming. This month has been busy and I have been doing a fair bit of traveling amongst the four June teams. It has been so rewarding to do ministry with everyone on the June squad and get to enjoy so many beautiful places in Thailand.

My ministry this month has been mainly focused on my teammates. I have been able to do bar outreach with them, teach English with them and pray with them and I have been hugely blessed by everyone. Because I have not stayed in one place for very long it has not been as feasible for me to build relationships with the bar girls as much as some of my teammates. The harvest here is plentiful and the workers are few.

Please check out my awesome teammate Julie’s blog here. I have been blessed to rejoin my team this week and do ministry alongside of them. They have built amazing relationships in Bangkok and have made a Jesus-sized impact on this city.