Week Three of VBS is in the books. Praise God! After 21 days of crazy camp songs, wild kids, and TONS of fun we are ready for a little break from the kiddos.

Week Three was a blast and we had some fantastic kids and learning about Jesus. The majority of the kids did not speak any English, but we had fantastic translators that were committed to helping our kids understand the Gospel.

We leave first thing tomorrow morning to head back to Swaziland. Our team had been praying for God’s leading on our direction for the next 2 weeks and He swung doors wide open for us to return to Swaziland and join some work being done by two teams already there. Please check out Morgan’s Blog for more details on the work we will be doing.

From what I have heard electricity and running waters are comforts that we will not be enjoying, so let the camping begin!

ps:  I am not able to get many new pictures up, but please see the latest on my flickr account HERE