We were told that the key to the World Race is FLEXIBILITY. Our first lesson came yesterday.    

We arrived at the Atlanta airport ready to fly and were stopped in our tracks by British Airways. In order to board the plane we needed proof that we would be leaving South Africa in August. Because of a mix-up with the travel agent we did not have this documentation and were denied access.

AIM quickly arranged a school bus to come and pick us back up and we returned to base to camp for the night. Nine of us (including myself) will be attempting to get on the flight tonight. The rest of the team will travel on Thursday night. We will all be reunited in South Africa on Saturday.

We know that God is in control and there is a reason that we were not on that flight. Our prayer is that He would be glorified in the change of plans and that we would remain flexible. Stay tuned for more updates!

In the meantime, here are is a pic of the June team in the ATL airport yesterday…