The bag is packed….watch for a video on YOUTUBE coming soon…. 
sure to provide some entertainment for you all. It is truly bigger than I am!

The goodbyes have been said…why didn’t anyone tell me it would be so hard?

The final “American meal” has been eaten….nothing says America like HOT DOGS!

…and the plane ticket and passport are in my possession.  Guess that means I am going, right?

YOU all are amazing and I can’t see what God is going to do when we rock this world together!  Praise Him for giving me amazing friends and family…I have never felt so loved and so blessed than I have the past months of preparation.  Thank you isn’t enough…but it is all I have.  THANK YOU and GOD BLESS!!

ps…we can receive packages in Africa 🙂  Here’s the info: 

Packages can be mailed to the Racers while they are in Africa. DO
NOT send any valuables through the mail and clearly state a $0 value
for the package. Note that it is a gift with no commercial value. This
helps avoid taxes through customs. Packages must arrive no later than
July 30 – allow extra time than what the postal service tells you.

Please make sure to put $0 Value on EVERYTHING, otherwise it will cost me mucho in customs!   Some ideas:  gum, cards, pictures, Skittles, Kitkats :), stickers for us to give the kids, etc…remember I will have to carry or eat everything you send, so please go lite, does it look like anything else will fit in that bag??

LOVE YOU ALL!  See ya in Africa!!

The address is:

Adventures in Missions

Allison Johnston

PO Box 1366 Ifafi 0260


