After months of waiting I finally have the answer to the question everyone from Grandma to the check-out lady at Kroger has been asking……”Where are you going next year?”

Please understand it is a flexible itinerary and WILL change, but it is a great starting point.  Click HERE to see a really cool map that my teammate LAUREN made!

Criteria for Selecting the World Race Route

  • Where is the Lord working? Where is the Holy Spirit on the move? Where was there maximum ministry impact and good fruit in previous years?
  • Places where we have established partnerships and logistical help
  • Poorest of the poor – God uses the poor to initiate us
  • Logistical considerations – congruence
  • Weather & time of year

I fly out on Tuesday, June 5th from Dayton to Atlanta.  From there we will fly as a team to London.  While in London we will have a significant layover and hope to take in the sights!!  We will board a plane that night and fly into Johannesburg, South Africa and travel by car to Swaziland!  Please be in prayer for traveling mercies as we make connections, no lost luggage, etc… 


South Africa




China (November and December)


Latin America (Peru?)

Latin America (Nicaragua?)

Latin America (Mexico?)