Hello from Jaco!

Life in Jaco [Ha-Co], Costa Rica is full. This small surfing town with 2 miles of beautiful beach has been such a great place to start our race. Our ministry host, Hannah, and all of the other servants of Christ we have been working alongside, have been so generous to us. Y’all, I could talk for hours about how incredible these people are. Maybe I will in another blog…

My team and I have been dipping our feet into a lot of different outreach opportunities. We’ve helped at a Kids Camp at the local church we’ve been attending, we run a kids club on Saturday morning for lower income kids, we teach Sunday school for the young ones on Sundays, we painted at a government run school, we organized books at the public library, we helped move a pregnancy resource center, and we have done a whole lot of manual labor and clean up at the property we are staying at. God has been continuing to show me how to bring Him into everything, no matter what ministry looks like for the day. He is in all that I do and all that I say. 

A verse that has been dear to my heart this week and such a solid reminder of what my attitude should be like is in 1 Peter 4v11…

“Whoever speaks, is to do so as one who is speaking the utterances of God; whoever serves is to do so as one who is serving by the strength which God supplies; so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belongs the glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.”


We have had opportunities on our off days to explore the area a bit. We’ve splashed around in the ocean, watched the sunset, fed monkeys, watched the MaCaws and Toucans hang fly around in the trees, explored waterfalls, and I learned how to surf!!!!! I am so thankful He is in the fun and playful as well as the hard and challenging.

He is good all the time. Thank you all for your prayers. I feel them everyday.