When I look back on the past 11 months I am reminded of the Lord’s faithfulness, I am reminded of His promises from the first day until the very last, I am reminded of His beauty in people that I met, in places that I saw, in relationships that were made. When I look back on the past 11 months I am astounded and in awe of Jesus.

Over the past year I have heard people tell me time and time again how “cool” I am for going to the nations, for picking up and leaving behind everything and everyone that was familiar and comfortable to me. The truth is I am not cool…kind of quirky, yes, but not that cool. I didn’t go off to Asia for a year because I thought it would be awesome to travel the world or because I wanted a grand adventure. I went because He said GO and because in that He gave me a choice: 

He said GO and I said YES. 

This year has been full of choices, it has been a year full of people and opportunities, it has been a year full of challenges, a year of being uncomfortable. This has been a year of taking the things that come and giving them a Yes, giving the Lord my Yes.

Over the past 11 months I witnessed so much beauty. I witnessed and experienced redemption and forgiveness, I laughed until my sides hurt, I felt true, genuine love, I was surrounded by supremely joyful people, and I got blissfully caught up in the thrill of adventure. However, this past year on the World Race was not always easy. At times it was hard and there were days that I wanted to be done. I experienced moments when I asked the Lord what He was doing because I just didn’t understand, some days I was frustrated, throughout the year I became exhausted, I cried, and sometimes there were a lot of tears.

This year was full of mountains and valleys and in each high and every low the Lord was there to meet me, no matter the situation, He was there, and He gave me choices. He gave me opportunities to say yes to Him, and when I did He blew me away with His goodness and His faithfulness.

Saying yes this year taught me boldness, it taught me to trust.

Saying yes gave me freedom, it brought me life.

Saying yes gave me relationships that I couldn’t imagine my life without, it gave me opportunities that before I had only dreamed of.

Saying yes has brought me the hardest year of my life, and saying yes had brought me the best year of my life.

Saying yes to the Lord is a choice, and although sometimes difficult, it is worth it every time.

As I look back on this year I am filled with joy. Every ‘Yes’ this year had a purpose and it started with giving Him my YES to this adventure of the World Race.