Amazed      Shocked      Overwhelmed       Thankful       Encouraged       Overjoyed       Humbled      Hopeful

These are the only words I have to describe how I am feeling right now! As many of you know, I am required to meet specific portions of my fundraising by certain deadlines in order stay on track with my fundraising efforts and to meet my ultimate deadline of $16,250. My second fundraising deadline is August 18 and I am supposed to have $7,500 of my fundraising completed.

It is July 3 and I currently have $8,280 in my account…I am 50% funded!!

The Lord is so faithful to provide in the exact ways and time that He sees fit. I could not have imagined that I would surpass my second deadline over 2 months before it is due, which is yet another way that the Lord continues to remind me that I am not in charge of fundraising. It’s not to be in my control and He simply will not allow me to have even a feeling that I am where I am with my fundraising because of my own work…which is a huge relief!

I am where I am with my fundraising because the Lord knows exactly who will support me and how they’ll support me before I could even imagine. Fundraising is a challenge set before me by the Lord. He promises that He’ll be faithful in providing; all He asks is that I trust Him by saying yes to doing it. I am where I am with my fundraising because the Lord has asked my supporters, in one way or another, to join me in this mission and they too are saying yes. I know that the rest of my fundraising will come in as the Lord sees fit and I am hopeful because I know He will continue to provide in astonishing ways.

So, thank you! Your prayers, gifts, and financial support literally mean the World to me.

Thank you to those of you who have already supported me, thank you to those of you who will continue to support me, thank you to those of you who are considering supporting me, and thank you to those of you who are taking the time to read this. I am so humbled by the generosity of my supporters and I am encouraged by their incredible gifts. I cannot thank you enough for coming alongside me in this mission and joining me by saying yes.