As the overwhelming joy of announcing to everyone that I will be going on this year-long journey was experienced this week, preparations are being set in order for my trip. The lists of supplies that I will need are being made and continue to grow daily. Things on checklists seem never ending. Talking to people about my trip brings exceeding excitement but also brings to my attention the realization of just how long I will be gone. My parents and my twelve year old brother, Bradley visited me at school this week to break up some time between typing papers. Although I am close with all my brothers, Bradley and I are the furthest apart and I feel more like an extra maternal role towards him. He was intently asking me which countries I will be going to and what month I will be in which country. He also kindly gave me the realization that I leave in ONLY three months. My heart broke as for once in my life I knew that my youngest brother was proud of me. I have always known that he looked up to me and have always tried to be a good role model for him but I without a doubt knew at that moment with the smile on his face and twinkle in his eye that he looked at me with such profound proudness. As young as he is, he understands the sacrifice of a year and the obedience I am trying hard to follow. Of all people that have been concerned about my safety, Bradley reminded me sternly that I will not be going to safe countries and that he wanted me to be safe. As my heart broke and spirits rose all at once, I knew that whatever preparations that I am doing, papers I am finishing for school, graduation arrangements, etc. that he and all of you reading my blog will be in constant prayer and will truly proud of me for the work God has placed in my heart. It is time for me to start preparing for his work because plans created for myself will not prosper if it was not his idea first.

“Besides this you know the time, that the hour has come for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believe”

Romans 13:11

Much Love,
