“Why do you go?” Seems to be one of the most poplar questions I’ve been getting regarding the world race. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a valid question, and to be honest it’s one of my favorite ones to answer. 

I go because it’s what God has called to me to do, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all nations.” (Mark 16:15) 

This past year especially I’ve felt God telling me to let go and to put down the things that have been consuming my life, hijacking my attention, and setting my mind off track. It’s been a long year of waiting, praying, and seeing how God provides-all in HIS timing. It’s given me a deeper perspective on my life and who God is, to say the least. 

There is a world out there beyond myself that needs the love of God. Orphans who need a father, widows who need a leader, men who need an example, nations that need of a Savior. And so I go. I go that God may use me to reach the lost and the broken. 

I know it’s easy to look at the world race and only see the travel and the excitment that awaits. The new adventures, the crazy stories that you’ll be able to share. however somewhere in all that it’s easy to loose track of the real reason for it all. It’s not for the new stamps in your passport, or the souvenir t-shirts from 11 different countries; it’s more than an adventure. It’s to further the Kingdom of God, to grow closer to Him as you step out of your comfort zone to make His name famous throughout all the nations. 

And so, I go because it’s what I have been commanded to do, the adventure, the new friends and family I get along the way is a bonus. I’m so excited for all that God has planed for me in the next year and a half. 🙂

