You know you’re in Nepal when…..
The electricity goes out 3 times a day
There is running water but only cold
Because of the fuel shortage, food is cooked over wood fires (because we are guests, our ministry host gave us a very limited supply of gas to cook dinner with)
There is the constant noise of dogs barking outside – especially at night
The view of the mountains is amazingly beautiful!
Most roads are dirt
To cross the road you walk out in the middle of crazy traffic – yet somehow never get run over!
Food is cheap – you can find a good meal for $2 or $3
You never want to get out of bed in the morning because there is no heat in the house
You only shower once a week because of the freezing cold water
Sometimes you use bottled water to wash your hair because the water supply is out and you haven’t washed your hair in a week
Public toilets are typically squatty potties
You always carry toilet paper with you just in case
You can get away with wearing mismatched, baggy clothes – this is actually what most women wear
You wash your clothes in a bucket on the roof and they take 2 days to dry in the sun
Everyday you walk…. At least 2 miles or more
Sometimes you take a van or cab, and everyone piles in on top of each other – and somehow 20 people fit into a van meant for 10!
Transportation also includes riding on top of buses
You see cows wandering in the streets and sidewalks
There are also chickens, goats, and stray dogs wandering everywhere
The spirit world and spiritual warfare are so real
Ministry includes visiting cabin restaurants and dance bars, and loving women stuck in sex slavery
This month has been hard, but I’ve loved it so far! Prayer is greatly appreciated for our squad.
Thanks for reading!