What’s Been Going On
I have been back from the field now for about a month and while the pace has been a little slower than what I have been used to God has shown me a lot of grace and allowed me to push forward into his next step. A couple weeks ago I went to a conference called SEARCHLIGHT  put on by Kingdom Dreams http://kingdom-dreams.org/ who’s purpose is to empower alumni racers in figuring out their God given dreams and equip them with the resources necessary to achieve them. I wasn’t planning on going, but I felt God coninutally reminding me of it so I eventually signed up. I prayed that God would just show me the next step in how he wanted to continue his work in me.
He did that sooner than expected and really pulled my towards Squad Leading during the Awakening reunion a couple nights before. While I had thought of Sqaud Leading before I had always brushed it off because of certain fears and lack of faith, but I took a step and applied and God started confirming why he had put this on my plate. Before the week was over Squad Leading went from being a next step to becoming a calling that I was passionate about.
What does this mean?
This last year I was on S Squad which was composed of 61 World Racers who were on the field for 11 months. For our first 4 months we were lead by 3 wonderful, beautiful, Godly (just in case they’re readin this) people who had done the Race before and decided to come back out to teach and mentor us so we could better do God’s work around the world. These leaders are responsible for the squad’s training previous to their trip and for raising up new sqaud leaders during the four months they are with the squad so that they can leave the their sqaud more self efficient.
This is exactly what I will be doing and come this January 2012 me and two other alumni racers Lindsay Dobner and Hannah Olsen will lead out a group of world changing men and women! This is such a privilege and honor to be such a huge part of God’s work in this way.
One of my greatest concerns of going out on another trip was not being able to invest enough. Because of this I was praying into a longer term commitment specifically in Europe. While I think this will happen soon, God clearly showed me that he wanted me to invest in and learn how to lead my generation in bringing God’s Kingdom like no one has ever experienced before. This is why I am Squad Leading.
What you can do!

My most urgent need is prayer! This upcoming week (Oct 16-23)the Squad I am leading has their training camp. Even though it is a couple months before they even launch, it is one of the most important parts to their year. Hear they will be put into teams and God will do a lot of work in some people and bring them freedom that they need to be the vessel God wants them to be. Pleas pray for these breakthoughs this upcoming week.
Another need I have is financial. It was absolutely mind-blowing to see how God used so many people to come through when I needed it the most and I have faith that he will do the same thing and I would love for you to be a part of it! Since I will only be on the field for the first 4 months and then visit them at their month 8 location, the total I have to raise is much less at $5900. I need to have half of this by the time I leave in January.
Many of you supported me this last year and this next step is just the beginning of seeing your investment in God’s Kingdom coming to fruition.
If you would like to continue your investment or give for the first time you can either click the “Support Me!” tab to your left or you can go to https://www.adventures.org/give/donate.asp?giveto=worldrace&desc=For%20Allan Boehm&tuid=10027564 
Thank You so much! I have gotten to share with many of you since I have been back, but if you have some time and would like to hear more about what God has done please reach me a [email protected] or call me at 615-419-1976 so we can get together!