I have
less than two weeks before my feet hit American soil.  WOW! 
What an amazing year it has been. 
I just wanted to share what is going on in my head as my time on the
World Race comes to an end.   

My thoughts are a mix of
anticipation to see people back home and awe of what I have been able to do
this year. When I heard about the race about four years ago, I thought to
myself “that is awesome for other people but I would never be able to do
that.”  Now I am completing something I
never thought I could or would do.  Yeah,
I may feel a little sense of accomplishment but really though, I recognize I wouldn’t
be here without the overwhelming love my Father has for me and the support of
people back home.   

search my heart for even the slightest bit of sadness in closing this chapter
of my life, and I can’t find it.  Saying
goodbye to people that have walked through real stuff with me is going to be a
challenge and still sadness does not color my vision.  I recognize the amazing things the Lord has
done and know He is not done yet.  I don’t
have a plan in place, I don’t know what He might call me to next and for now I
am ok with that.  After this year I see
and trust that He does have plans for each one of us, plans to prosper us and
give us a future.  So for now I pray and
wait on His spirit to lead and know He has only more for me.  What I do know for sure is that He will
continue to lead me into greater depths of His heart and understanding.  I am super excited for that!

                So, as
the whirlwind of life continues around me, the close of one chapter and the
start of a new I feel His spirit around me saying PEACE.  With all the uncertainty around me I can’t
help but rest in His arms of peace.  I am
grateful for the beautiful people of “O” squad that have loved me so well this
year.  I am excited to be back home and
hug the people I love so much.  

America see you soon!