This is a blog my teammate wrote about our rat situation, thought I would share it with everyone. 

There is a rat in our room…

I saw him scurrying up the wall our second morning here but decided to ignore him. After all I was safe in my mosquito netted top bunk and it was early and if I said anything Logan Kanyes would surly have a strong reaction. Proud I didn’t freak out- 1 point for World Racers.

Then Alissa’s tooth brush case was gnawed through and part of her toothbrush had small nibbles taken out of it. Ashley discovers that her toothpaste has been chewed into. 2 points to the Rat.

Next day Ashley finds a huge hole chewed into her skirt. Alissa’s new toothbrush (which was an extra I lent her) has completely disappeared out of her bag. Days later we still can’t find it. 2 more points to the Rat.

Logan’s toothbrush gets gnawed on and Logan freaks out. 5 points to the rat. (Logan is a verbal processor)

Alissa finds the only safe place to store her toothbrush is in an empty water bottle in a small alcove above the our door. One point to Alissa. But also one point to Rat for making us resort to such measures. 

Rat makes noise all through night and keeps 3 of us up. Rat 10, World Racers 2

After debating with locals what to do about rat problem we decide to buy poison. Although, the hiring a cat suggestion could have been interesting. Where exactly to you hire a cat anyways? And what’s the going rate? Can we put that on team budget?

Have poison sprinkled around room. 1 more point to the rat.

Rat dies and starts to reek. 1 point

Unable to find dead rat to remove smell. 1 more point

Rat 13, World Racer’s 2

I’ll keep you updated