do I begin? I feel as though I have stepped into someone else’s life. Pretty much every day I wake up and think is
this really my life? Do I get to explore
the world, all while seeking God and serving so many hurting people. Today, I had a moment where I thought, so a
year ago could I have imagined I would be in Galway, Ireland scrubbing graffiti
off walls and picking up trash in the square. The answer is no. I never dreamed I would be in such a
beautiful place learning what it means to be humble.
I had a humbling moment as I picked up trash
and people handed me garbage, it really isn’t a pleasant job. I thought I don’t have to be here picking up
garbage, I could be back home working and be respected as a nurse. That thought led me to a deeper understanding
of what it truly means to be a Christian.
Am I prepared to serve God in whatever manner He desires whether it is
picking up trash, washing dishes or whatever job that you can think of that
doesn’t gain much respect.
I want respect in order to fit into
this world and as I continue to seek God I am finding respect from man does not
gain me anything. According to the Word the
first will be last and the last first also those who exalt themselves will be
humbled and the humbled will be exalted when they enter the Kingdom. We tend to place too much value on our
appearance or reputation but the heart tells the truth about our character. Our world is falling apart because we are so
focused on making sure or façade is polished rather than making sure our hearts
are fulfilled with an unending love provided by our Father in Heaven.
As I explore what it means to die
to myself I am finding that the reward is so much greater than the sacrifice. I am finding that I would not want to be
anywhere else in the world right now even if I am picking up garbage and
scrubbing off graffiti in Ireland.