Hey all my readers, I’m sorry I
haven’t been able to write but we have not had internet.  There has been so much I would have loved to
share but not having internet has been a blessing.  I know I love to spend time on the
internet  doing odds and ends between
e-mail, checking accounts, Facebook and Google (I can’t tell you how many times
my team has said write that down when we get internet we have to look that
up).  But without my crutch I have been
able to dive into some real quality time with God, my team, our support staff,
other groups here, and most of all the kids.  
Actually it still feels like there isn’t enough time.  Our days start at 6 or so and end somewhere
around midnight.  We do get a little nap
time in the afternoon which has been a saving grace. 

We had a new team of three from CA
come to the camp to do VBS.  The other
team from CA except three of their team left. 
I started off with the younger kids with the change in volunteers.  The little ones are adorable but I found I
missed working with the older ones so I was switched back to the teens.  I am working with Hannah who is amazing.  She is 19 loves God and has a great
testimony.  She is packed full of wisdom
and knowledge despite being a Christian for only a few years.   

Hannah and I decided we would have
a tea party for our girls.  We weren’t
sure how it would go as some just like to be cool.  But we were pleasantly surprised when all
showed up.  We chatted, laughed, ate
these fabulous little wafer cookie things, and Hannah played songs on the
guitar.  It was really great for them and
I think it really made them feel special. 
With so much of your life based on being cared for as a group it is hard
to help them feel like individuals.  This
was a time for them to do what many of us take for granted.  Such as, time with the friends at the coffee
shop, going to lunch with our family, just those social experiences that makes
us feel connected and human.  Funny thing is the boys got jealous and wanted their own tea time.

we leave for Romania on the 8th it will be a 32 hour
train ride.  I am sad to leave Ukraine,
our contacts here Forrest and Darcy are amazing.  I am sad to leave my beautiful girls and all
the kids here.  I want to pour more love
and more hope into them.  They are so
sweet and deserve so much.  Although,  I am sad to go I am excited to see what  Romania holds.