Here is my newsletter for those I do not have on my email.  I will be updating my journey through my blog from now on but if you would like to stay in touch through email, my email is [email protected]


            What an amazing road this has been. I haven’t even left on my journey but these past eight months or so have taught me so much. I feel like a race horse in the gates, filled with so much anticipation and excitement waiting for the gates to fly open. The other part of me is savoring the time I do have left to enjoy the company of family and friends and to get the giant list of things to do done.      

            In the fall, the first thing I had learned was to live life to the fullest. Many people live their lives in the pursuit of happiness and don’t live daily in the gift of happiness. As an Oncology nurse this really is important to me as I see to many lives cut short. Withthe many lessons I learn from my patients this is by far one of the most important. We never know what tomorrow holds, so remember today is a gift and tomorrow hasn’t been given yet.    

Now looking back over this time of preparation I see one of the most valuable gifts I have learned, is that I am loved far more than I had ever known. I knew people cared for me, liked me, and loved me. Yet, I never understood how unconditional their love for me was. I have seen a community of people surround me, encourage me, challenge me, pray for me, and not for one moment have I felt that I have journeyed alone. God has pulled the right people at the right time into my life. I have had this happen over the last year more than once and I am so thankful for God’s provision and the amazing people he has put in my life.

The world has many material and physical things that pull our mind away from one of the most valuable parts of our lives, our relationships. I have realized I lived my life in pursuit of those things and let the relationships in my life waver. I have been challenged to my core when I have seen people step forward and pour all their energy into me and my needs with no strings attached. I find this is the person I want to be for others. I encourage you to not only live out today as a gift but also to invest a little extra time in your relationships, with no desire to get anything in return. I believe there is freedom when we stop living for ourselves and begin to live for others. 

            Please keep me in your prayers as the time of departure draws near. Time seems to go faster and my list of things to do gets longer. I most likely will not be updating via newsletter so please remember to enter your email on my blog if you would like to get my updates. 

            I thank God for this amazing opportunity and all He is teaching me and I thank all the amazing people that have stepped up to support me and encourage me. Your words and actions mean more to me than you can imagine.