I have lived 25 years under the rules of this world.  I have been exposed to and raised in the societal norms.  I am a product of my raising as some would say.  Now what do I do when I want to break free from all the world says I can and can not do.  How do I undo what I’ve become when God is revealing to me who I am in Him. For some being a Christian is ok as long as you are able to live in both worlds.  One foot in our heavenly promise the other in confines of our culture.  As long as I want to live in both worlds I know I can’t experience the glory of God as he has intended.   Let’s keep it simple being a Christian is not easy.  It is so much safer to be part of the herd and move with the masses.  But my spirit cries out for the Living God.  Why would I not want His peace that passes all understanding(this is the most incredible feeling), His forgiveness, love, grace, the list could go on and on.  And would I give that up just to walk in the despair of this world.   With that, I want what Jesus has and according to the word I have it.  I am an heir to the kingdom of God.  As I draw near to Him he will show me how to walk this walk.  He will change my heart and use my past and my future all for his Glory.  Sometimes words don’t express how Awesome He really is.