We leave for Thailand tomorrow morning! Yay! I have become more excited as each day has passed and we have spent more time praying for all that lies ahead.

Debrief has been great – the other night a bunch of us stayed in the meeting barn after the end of the evening meeting, and entered into a time of prophetic worship and intercession till nearly 1am! I am loving that I love praying with people, and that others love it too!

Continue to keep us in prayer as we change cultures again, and face a whole new set of challenges. I am not sure exactly what we will be doing, but the opportunity is there to work with prostitutes and I would like to do that, as I feel that God has spoken some direct words to me regarding these broken, entrapped women. I want to love them with the Love that Jesus himself has poured into me. I know this will test me in ways I can’t imagine, as I face this world so unknown and unfamiliar to me, but I am trusting the Lord to guide me and fill me with Himself.

Also, please pray for our team, ZEO, as we will be experiencing some significant changes in the next several weeks. Pray for wisdom for leadership, as well as all team members.

And as always, prayer for safe travel for all 12 teams traveling in these next few days, both in Africa and Asia, is greatly appreciated.

Des Moines Fellowship family – I am excited to hear you are having a week of prayer this week, and am praying for you, and am with you in spirit. Press in to Jesus, know Him more, and see Him respond with eagerness to you. He is waiting with joy and anticipation. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Enjoy His presence together – there is nothing better than chilling out with our amazing Father and some of His kids.

I would like to also invite everyone to join other supporters around the states and us Racers in Thailand this Friday, the 3rd,  for a day of prayer – a time for us to seek God’s face together with our supporters. (We may be 12 hours or so ahead of most of you, but don’t worry about that… God hears us all at the same time. 🙂 )

Thanks for all your continued support! I love you all!