I want to say thank you to all who have contributed financially to the trip in the last 7 months (and all those who supported me in the previous year as well:-) ). I am surprised and amazed, though by now I certainly shouldn’t be, at the incredible faithfulness of God to supply all my needs. Simply another $3000 will cover the rest of my expenses for The World Race.

I want to personally thank those who have given so generously over the last two years. I love you so much and couldn’t do this without your support.

My parents, Bob and Julie…my church, Des Moines Fellowship…Lynn…Melissa K…Anne and Seth…Greg and Julie…Beth G…Grandpa and Grandma…Lois S…Richard and Diane C…Janet…Cathy D for your gifts!! There are so many more I could go on and on…

Also, a huge massive thank you to all my prayer support. I don’t even know who you all are, though I know I am sure of a few.
Grandma G… you are my prayer warrior hero.
Mom, I know not a day goes by without your prayers for me.
Marlene S. – I hear you are a prayer warrior on my behalf as well. I hope I can meet you sometime.
Shelly and the gang at First Lutheran Church, others I have yet to meet. I stand in awe of how my God looks over me and calls others to support my team and me, from those I have grown up with to those whom I only hope to meet sometime. He has truly designed the body of Christ to work in this way. What I do here cannot be done without your incredible support.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!