We arrived to our little village of Musho, Peru in the Andes Mountains, Sunday morning about 9am after a 10 hour overnight bus ride.  We are living at the foot of the highest mountain peak in the Andes, though it has been too cloudy to have a good look yet.  Musho’s elevation is 10,006 ft!

All of Squad B is living at a small church in some rooms, not camping as I had thought.  It’s quite cozy.  We have about 10 girls sleeping in an upstairs room, the floor lined with mattresses we are all sharing!  There is a flushing toilet and a shower, also more than I expected, but no hot water.  The water is drinkable because it is tapped straight from the snow caps above us, which means it’s wonderfully cold to drink, and also to shower in!  It is so much colder here than anywhere we have been, but we have warm blankets, and sweatshirts, so I can’t complain.  🙂

There are two cooks who are making all of our meals, and we have 5 translators with us as well, to assist us in anything we need.  Our vision and our heart is that all of us become a family and a team while we are together. 

We will be prayer walking for much of this first week as we begin to get a feeling for where God is calling us.  We know for sure that we are going to be teaching the members of the church on discipleship, unity, etc… 5 times a week.  That is at least 20 opportunities for each of us to teach/preach.  We will aslo be doing sports ministry and church planting in the neighboring town of Tumpa, as well as evangelism and ministry in several other small villages. 

We will be learning more tonight from our contact here, Ed, as well as spending more time in prayer for vision and direction.  The set up for our ministry here is amazing – Ed has been really thorough and prepared for us. 

I can’t wait to know the people here, the native Quetchua people, with their colorful skirts and interesting hats.  Please pray for us as we enter this new chapter of our Journey.  Pray for continued team unity, among ZEO, Squad B, as well as with all our translators and help staff here.   

“Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.  At the same time, pray aslo for us, that God may open to us a door for the Word, to declare the mystery of Christ… that we may make it clear, which is how we ought to speak.” Colossians 4:2-4