CICRIN has one primary cook, Delila, who
works faithfully everyday to keep the kids here fed. And us for now too! We have rice and beans and plantains for 2-3
meals everyday with some eggs, or meat thrown in here and there. I know now of several ways to make ‘rice and
beans’, as well as plantains. (Platanos, as they are known around here.)

The beans have to cook for several hours,
so there is a pot outside the kitchen that is nearly always full of cooking
beans, anticipating the next meal.

Lynette helps out in the kitchen many days,
and I have spent a few days in there as well, with more to come for sure.

I have learned to make a rather delicious
cucumber and tomato salad (both grown in their garden), and have observed that
they like their drinks as thick as syrup with sugar. All drink, whether it’s
Tang that already has too much sugar or fresh juice from lemons and oranges,
they all get mass amounts of sugar added. Whoa.
I watched Delila make homemade corn tortillas the other day and have
seen several ways to use the rather pungent cheese.

Breakfast is served at 6:30am, lunch at 11:30 and 12:30pm, and dinner at 5:45pm, so the cook, be it Delila or her relief, Aidai,
work continuously, from one meal to the next.
It’s a never ending job in a very hot kitchen, but they are faithful and

usually cheerful workers.

The weather has been really hot this week –
pushing 95 degrees F, probably and humid.
We do get a good breeze off the lake, but unfortunately, my bedroom does
not, so night time is a bit stuffy. But,
I have always said that I prefer the heat over being cold and if I were home, I
would have been in a snow and ice storm this past weekend!

I just finished a book called Irresistible
Revolution. I would suggest anyone and everyone
to read it. It is seriously challenging
me to look at how I think and believe about many issues, namely, what it means
to really follow Jesus. I will say that
some people will not agree with all the author says – I’m not sure if I do
still – but read it anyway, and allow God to work in your hearts and challenge
you to see more of Him. I am working
through all of what Shane Claiborne discusses in this book within myself, with
God and with others on my team. What
does it REALLY look like to follow Jesus.
Claiborne presents us with a perspective on the answer to this question
that all of us should look deeper into.

There is my shameless plug for a book. Ha!

Thanks for your prayers and support!