Things are going really well here so far, and I am confident that it will only get better! We have a schedule now for our work with both the church and CICRIN, and are getting into a routine of sorts, more than anywhere yet! I love it. We are making this our home, as it will be for the next 3 weeks. We have scriptures and schedules (with color) hung on the wall along with a Nicaragua map, and we have chores scheduled too! Fun times!! Oh, and we also have dresser drawers and shelves in our little dorm rooms and a place to handwash our laundry conveniently!

We are truly coming alongside the church here as encouragers and support, as they continue doing what God has called them to do. We will be having 2 open air evangelism events, and another similar event at the church, one event each week. This week we are focusing on the small town of San Jose with the open air taking place on Thursday night. Last night and tonight we are joining many people from the church in prayer walking the neighborhoods and door to door evangelism. Last night we divided our team among the other groups of locals and walked with them. I was with Lynette, Alvero and the pastors wife, Ruth. We only got to one house because Ruth was sharing so much with the lady there. Alvero translated as best he could for me, and I prayed.

Today we are going to go out again, and continue to invite people to come on Thursday. ZEO will be performing one of our dramas, ‘In The Light’ by DC Talk, the church worship team is going to play, and there will be a few who will perform dances with flags with worship too. Pastor Miguelangel will preach the message after I share what the drama is about.

Church on Sunday was fabulous! The people are wonderful, inviting and happy! The music was fun, with flags and dancing, and life radiated out of the people. Pastor preaches very interactively, which makes for a fun and quick message.

Sunday evening we joined the teens (12-15yr olds), and the young adults group (16-24yr olds) for their once a month get together. We played games and even taught them ‘Awesome God’ in English. The leaders shared a short message, but mostly we were able to just hang out and get to know different people. I am so excited that we are here with them for 3 weeks and have already been able to establish some friendships.

We have few translators, but are doing great regardless. Alvero lives at CICRIN, is 22, and is learning English, so he helps when he can, and Helen, the director of CICRIN is fluent in English as well. We had been told orginally that Pastor spoke English and came with that expectation, so when we found out he didn’t, we were a little suprised, but have managed without any real problems. James is learning Spanish really well, and a few of the girls are picking up on it pretty quickly as well.

Please be praying for us as we go out and evanglize again today, and then for our open air event on Thursday.

Oh, and our day off is tomorrow!! Woo hoo! We are going to go to San Juan Del Sur, a beach on the pacific edge of Nicaragua. It should be a blast.