The World Racers are all leaving Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico on Friday morning at 8:30am. It is a bittersweet departure. We have been doing ministry here for just over 2 weeks, after the two weeks of training in Matamoros and at Shekinah, Eleazar’s ministry school. But in only the two weeks here, we have made new friends, seen many people join the body of Christ, and have already had enough experiences to fill a whole journal.

From the girls’ community shower room at Shekinah; to observing hundreds of stray dogs in the streets; to praying over and loving drunkards and homeless men;

  (Sarah, Poncho, Shawna)

to sharing one, unplumbed toilet and one bucket shower between 27 people; to performing open air evangelism and dramas; to playing a vital role in a church plant from the start;

to seeing numerous people come to know Jesus and continue in relationship with us;
  (Amy, Sarah, Leah, Carlos, Eric)

to rocking beautiful dark skinned babies to sleep while their mom’s meet Jesus…

 (Me and a beautiful baby!)

to dancing to worship songs we don’t fully understand since they are in Spanish!

 (Youth night at El Olivo)

God has been doing great works among us here in Palenque, both in our ministries and in our lives. Individually and as teams, we have been challenged in the ways we think, believe and behave. Our faith has grown, and our humility has grown, yet all the while, our selfishness and pride has been exposed at times too. Through this step of obedience –starting the race – we have given the Holy Spirit the permission to burn away the impurities in our lives and polish us as silver. This is a life long process, but God is working constantly in us, and has promised to finish this work.

The importance of prayer and intercession has begun to penetrate our hearts and minds and as we look forward to the next leg of the Race to Guatemala and on to Nicaragua, we will have time to seek the Lord for a deeper revelation of His work in us, and to marvel at the way He has moved in Palenque, Mexico.

I am very sad to be leaving Noe so soon, but confident that the Holy Spirit will continue to work through this mighty man of God and his family over the coming years, and perhaps future World Racers will cross his path again. We are meeting with him one last time this evening to bless him with some gifts, a picture of his family, framed, and one of Team Zeo praying in his church, and a financial gift to help him along the way. What a blessing and inspiration he has been to us!

Friday morning, we are packing up and heading to Jerusalem, Chiapas, about an hour outside of Palenque. We will spend some time visiting MiSol-Ha, a famous waterfall and caves, and then will spend Saturday debriefing with both the A and B Squads. Sunday begins the next leg of the Race – heading to Guatemala. We have no details yet as to where we actually begin and/or end, but will be handed a letter right before we depart. Wooo hooo! It will be shorter leg than the last one – we should be able to finish in a day, which is a nice thing to look forward to. I am excited for this new adventure, but also for the ministry ahead.

I have heard that we
may be working with a children’s hospital in Guatemala for a few days. This will be such a change from what we have been doing here, but I am looking forward to working with children. There are a couple ministry opportunities in Nicaragua, both involving orphanages and church planting, so we are in the process of praying about where we will go. We should know by Saturday I think.  Please pray for us as we ask the Lord for a clear decison about where to go.