Hello from Matamoros. Since crossing the border, we have not had
access to the Internet, but we have had some of the best local salsa ever. So this is our team blog going out to all of
our supporters. Training is going well
and we are bonding as a team and a family.
God is truly uniting us and igniting us for this next year.

As part of an assignment Monday
morning, we had a day of silence where we individually sought the Lord for
direction and vision for the next year.
As a result, we decided that our theme scripture for the year would be
Romans 12; where Paul described how the body of Christ should function and what
it meant to be a living sacrifice. Our
desire as a team is to be unified as one body with Christ as the head of the

Even now, we as a larger group have
seen the awesome power of the Holy Spirit in our meetings, as we cry out with
tears and loud voices for the people of this world. It is amazing how much
praying together can unite us, how intimate and vulnerable we become when we,
as common sinners, find ourselves conversing with the mighty King.

Thank you
all for your prayers as we have started this journey of a lifetime. As we encounter internet, we will post
individual blogs, as well as a corporate team blog to keep you all
updated. Pray for us as we begin our
first racing leg to Palenque,
Mexico on
Thursday morning!

Romans 12:5 – So we, who are many, are one body of Christ,
and individually members one of another.