This post is to let you all know that I have officially arrived at the starting point of the World Race!
  Below is a personal message from me, but first I wanted to let you know about an awesome website AIM has setup where you can follow prayer requests as the team travels around the world.
 It is

  You can even click “Update Me” to add your email address to a list and receive an email every time a new request or answer is posted.
  Thank you for your support as I journey around the world!

I arrived in Harlingen, TX yesterday afternoon, met up with some teammates and stayed overnight in a hotel in town.  Six of us and our stuff piled into a small minivan shuttle there, and stayed in one room!!  Fun times.  I slept well, and we are all back at the airport meeting the rest of the teams here!  Excitement and activity is ratiating out of the arrivals lobby as we are taking over the place.  The vans leave for Matamoros at 12noon and 2pm today!!  Whoo hoo!!

I will update again when I have a chance.  Thank you all for you prayers and support.