I haven’t blogged in so long because I have been so busy.  I’m glad thing are calming down a little bit for me as far as work is concerned.  I will be going home in 7 days where I will spend Christmas, then will be off for my trip on the 30th.

I want to update you all on myself and my teammates, and ask that you join us in prayer.  It’s coming to crunch time, with only 2 weeks before we leave, and we need our prayer warriors behind us.  Many of us, including myself, are short of the finances required to go and are still waiting on our Indian Visas to be returned to us with our passports.    I have heard many miracle visa stories, as I’m sure we will ourselves experience, but I believe it is due to prayer, so please join us in prayer for these two obstacles in our path.

Our large squad (27 of us) have been fasting the last 3 days, praying for eachother, the Race, the people we encounter, for God’s will to be done.  We meet on a conference call tonight to pray with one another and break our fast together.

We have decided to begin a mass conference call for all our supporters to be a part of together to pray for us over the year.  We will be kicking it off this week with the Racers, then asking you, our friends, family and supporters, to join us the following week.  Once we have taken off, we encourage you to continue to gather together and join in prayer.  The power that this will release gives me the chills, and I’m believing that God will change lives, and the world through these prayers.  I know that for many of you, leaving for a year long missions trip is not feasible, but you have a desire to be a part of the move of God around the world.  This, I believe, is a huge way to engage. 

Once we decide on the set day and time I will post the details and number on my blog for you.  Please ask the Lord if this is something that He desires you to take part in.