I have much to be Thankful for this year, as always. πŸ™‚  I am so blessed to have an amazing family who loves and supports me.  My parents and siblings have encouraged me in all my journeys of late, and the Race as well.   I am not able to go back to Des Moines for Thanksgiving, but since my grandparents moved to Knoxville the same time I moved to Gainesville, I was able to make the 4 hour drive up here to spend it with them and my aunt, uncle and 2 cousins!  I am so thankful for that!

God has been guiding me as He is preparing the way for this trip, has led me to Catherine and Spencer.  They have welcomed me into their home as family, and we have become great friends through my time there.  AND… I have picked up a new hobby from Catherine – knitting!!  I love it. πŸ™‚  Zoe will enter their world end of January sometime, and though I will not see her till she’s a year old or so, I will love her too.   What a wonderful blessing to have them in my life even for this short time for now.

I’m thankful for the path I have been down, even with it’s hardships and heartaches.  I have grown out of all my experiences, and though I am nowhere near perfect, I am developing more everyday into who God has created me to be. 

I am thankful for Adventures In Missions, my experiences as a staff person, my bosses here.  Athol was my boss in New Orleans, and through all the experiences down there, I appreciated Athol tremendously.   Serena, my World Race boss, has been so good to me as well, as a boss and as a friend and supporter of my life in the last few months. 

All my friends that span my life – for you I am thankful as well.  I can’t even begin to name everyone that has greatly blessed and influenced my life.   Des Moines Fellowship Church friends, young and older – it thrills me that I have two generations of friends at home. πŸ™‚ My Court Avenue Restaurant friends – I have had so many fun times with all you, and none of you will ever leave my heart.  My Kansas City school friends who are now spread out further than Kansas City – your friendships are all wonderful, and I love you all.  Thank you for all your support and being a part of my life for these last 6 years.  New Orleans Ladies – Mo, Danielle, Elizabeth – what a journey we had, but we came out alive and different and we DID come out as friends for which I am so grateful!!  Michelle – God sent you to me at such a perfect time, and though our time in the same city was short, the span of friendship will never be.  I love you all so very much, and am filled with gratitude to my Father for all of you!

I pray you have blessed Thanksgiving weekends, and see the Lord’s hand in everything.

Oh, and Starbucks – I am also very blessed and happy to be working there with fun people and a place where my need for interaction is met on a daily basis. πŸ™‚