We have a woodchuck that lives under the kitchen building here on the office grounds.  I have never seen one till just recently.  I saw one in the road and had no idea what it was, and then Serena, Hanna and I saw our little guy on Wednesday, and then again.  We have decided that he should be named and become our mascot. 🙂  Ha ha!!  We are pondering names now.  That was a very random piece of news, but I am facinated.  I like to see new creatures.

The time is drawing nearer and nearer – several days ago a fellow Racer posted a ’50 Days and Counting’ blog, so that makes it fewer than 50 days before we leave.   I am making another visit to REI Outdoor Outfitters this week to invest in more of my trip equipment and make a comprehensive list of the things I still need.  I am excited, but a little anxious about it all.  I’m glad that Talia is here and preparing along side of my while working two jobs as well.  We are much in the same boat, and together feel the pressure to finish our months here strong.  We have much preparation to do, spritually, emotionally, physically.  All the while we each still focusing on doing both of our jobs with excellence.

Starbucks, busy as it is, and scattered with it’s own drama, keeps me sane in a funny way.  I love the interaction I have with people, coworkers and customers alike.  It is truely amazing how regular ‘regulars’ are!!  We have people whose names and drinks and I learn in one day because they are in a couple times a day.  There are the aggrivating customers who are picky and cranky balanced with the sweet, wonderful customers; the same runs true about the employees (known in the Starbucks world as ‘partners.)

Being with my peers in this environment gives me an excitement of sorts.  I have always loved working in the restaurant/service industry, because it keeps me active and busy, with plenty of interaction with my peers.  I love to love these people, especially the more I get to know them.  I suppose my regret is that I don’t have much time with my Starbucks partners, but at the same time, that encourages me to be intentional in the time that I have.   I want to love well, even if it is only ever short term.

Which obviously brings me around to my trip around the world.  I have a year with my new family of Christ following peers, but I only ever get a few weeks with the others I meet, serve, love and learn from.  What have I to offer them in such a short time, especially with such language barriers?  Only the love of Jesus and the heart of a servant.  One of my fellow racers shared a clip from an article he read that discussed the fact that 3rd World people are looking for us to change their way of living, as if our American way is necessarily the best.  I can admit this readily now, but how much with that particular mindset permeate my thoughts and actions when the time comes?  I am praying daily that the Lord clears my heart and mind of expectations regarding those I will encounter.  I want to love with Jesus’ love, not simply a compassionate American’s sympathy and efforts.  There is so much more to this year than that, obviously.   

Join me in praying that my heart would be washed with and radiate only His love and vision for the people he loves.  Pray that I would be a willing learner, listener and lover.  And… though it’s a risky prayer, I am praying that I would be broken and humble before the feet of my Jesus and each and every person I encounter.  I have nothing to offer, but His love and my heart of service.  I look forward to these innumerable opportunities with mixed emotions, knowing that tremendous joy will come from it all, but also that I will be stretched and challenged in ways that I cannot yet fathom.