I am back at home – meaning my home for the next month and a half – in Georgia.  I have settled in and love my roommates.  I am currently living with a young married couple who are having a baby in Januray.  I worked with Catherine at Starbucks before she quit, and she invited me to stay with them.  Both Catherine and Spencer have done Youth With a Mission (YWAM) schools and trips and love and serve the Lord.  I am again so blessed to be in this home environment – and it’s especially cool that the connection came through Starbucks and not AIM!

I am working opening shifts at Starbucks Monday through Wednesday right now, and office time at AIM the rest of the time.  It works well for the time being.  I am doing small things to begin my physical training for the trip, as well as the spiritual training.   My small team has a weekly conference call to discuss our weeks, develop relationship, and talk about our devotionals.  It’s been good, even if talking on the phone with 5 people isn’t quite the same as hanging out in person!

Yesterday, Spencer and Catherine took me up the road a bit for a little time of north Geaorgia small town culture.  We stopped at a flea market in Murryville to buy boiled peanuts because Spencer was sure he would have a convert to boiled peanuts once I tried them.  Sorry to disappoint, but I wasn’t impressed. 🙂  Ha ha… oh well.  I did enjoy the fried apple pie we bought there though. 

Further down the way (Hwy 53) is Dahlonega, which is a touristy town, and where Spencer grew up.  I met his mom briefly, and then we meandered through the quaint and lovely town square, visiting an ice cream shop, a fabulous little gallery (Catherine is an artist), and the small tourist general store among others.  It was a perfectly clear sunny, blue sky, fall colors days, but of course, I forgot my camera, so I can’t show of the beauty!  Oh well.  Our plan is to go up again sometime before I leave and have dinner at Spencer’s parents home – I hear they are both amazing cooks! 

I am enjoying living here, and we have a list of things to do before I go – including learning to knit and visiting a couple of their favorite restaurants.  But, looking at the calender, I really don’t have much longer before I head out.  I can hardly believe how fast the time has gone.

Thank you to everyone who spent time with me while I was in Des Moines.  I enjoyed every minute of my visit home.  🙂