Well, somehow I missed the conference call for prayer last night.  Don’t know what happened, but when I called it said the number that I had was cancelled.  I haven’t had a chance to ask around and find out where I went wrong, but I was very sad I missed it!!  I stayed at my apartment though, did laundry and made a very important call to a friend I hadn’t spoken with in quite a while.  That had been on my heart for a while, and when I started to head out to go be with some people for the evening, I felt the Lord tug my heart and say, “this is the time to call.”  So I did.  And I am glad I did.

I am reading “The Heavenly Man” which is absolutely incredible.  It is the true story of Brother Yun from China – his journey of faith, his persecution and his intense love for Jesus and growing the kingdom of God.  I am not a big reader, so for me to finish one short book yesterday and get mostly through a larger book is quite the feat.  I would HIGHTLY encourage all to read this book.  It’s pretty easy reading and will challenge the way you view the Power of God and his call on your life.  It is forcing me to think about who I am and what I do for Jesus, why I do what I do verses what I would really like to be doing.  There is so much to share from it, that you SHOULD ALL read it for yourselves!! 

I moved out of Monica’s apartment today.  I’m not sure where I’m going to stay this week though, or even tonight.  I have invitations to both Talia’s house and Serena, but I haven’t yet decided. 🙂  Probably Serena’s.  Which means I should call her, since it’s getting late!  I have everything that is moving back home to DSM with me next week stored in the office attic here at AIM.  My accomadations are still not set in stone for where I will be when I return from Des Moines, but I have a couple options.  I am just resting and asking God about where I am to go, and for Him to open the doors to the right place. 

My dear, wonderful friend Michelle is coming down on Saturday to spend the weekend with me, before we drive home on Tuesday.  It will be the first time we will have gotten to really spend time together since I left Des Moines last November, and I’m really looking forward to it.   In the meantime this week, I am working A LOT, as always, I guess.  I have a full 20 hours at Starbucks, all opening shifts (5:30am).   I much prefer morning shifts, but it does make for a long day.