Grrrr!!  My computer just ate my blog!!!  Once that happens, it’s so hard to start all over!  Oh well.

I had just said that working two jobs is time consuming, but I’m liking it.  I am really enjoying have Starbucks to entertain that other side of my personality.  It was super duper busy this morning, and early afternoon while I was there.  I walked in at 7:30am, was assigned to the bar to make the hot drinks, and didn’t leave my spot till 1:00pm!!  I am still not officially ‘certified’ as a barista, but really only have to sign some paperwork, since I am fully capable of all the duties, and my managers have noticed.   I love working the bar – it is my favorite part for sure!!

I am working in this office this afternoon and evening for a while, then going home to begin sorting and packing up some of my belongings.  Tomorrow morning, Talia and I are going to go to the REI Outfitters scratch and dent sale in Atlanta.  I have a feeling it will be crazy – probably like day after Thanksgiving kind of shopping.  Not exactly excited about that aspect, but it will be cool to begin looking at stuff I will be needing for my trip. 🙂   I am excited to be getting caught up with my office stuff now that camp is done, and I will have time to work on my own preparations!  Man, I miss everyone though!  It was so good for my soul to have so many young people with similar pursuits and passion for Jesus all here together. 

Well, I guess that’s it for now, since I need to get back to work. 🙂