I have one more sleep left in America! I’m not sure how that’s possible, but here we are. It’s crazy to think back to whenever I got accepted to do the Race. The mountain of support raising seemed insurmountable. The amount of gear and knowledge I had to pick up was absolutely mind blowing. The fact that I had to graduate from college first seemed like some sick joke.

And yet here we are. I’m sitting in a super swanky hotel room writing this, frantically reviewing my packing list over and over to make sure I didn’t forget all of the things I’m sure I forgot. And you’re wherever you are reading this. I hope you’re as incredulous as I am that tomorrow is only one sleep away now.

They say to try to not have any expectations, because surely they won’t be met. I’m really trying not to, and it’s not that hard because I honestly have no idea what to expect. Where will I be staying? That’s a really great question. When is my flight tomorrow? That’s a really great question. What will I be doing in Nepal? I have no idea. While part of me hates the unknown, the majority of me is basking in it right now. It’s really been helping me to be in the now. You can’t daydream about some day in the future if it’s so unknown to you it might as well be happening to a different person. And I think that’s the point.

Our expectations can totally shape what we actually experience. I want to experience the Lord. I expect to experience the Lord. I’m sure I will experience the Lord. Outside of that, I couldn’t tell ya.

I do know that I’ll be living in Katmandu, Nepal. I googled it. It looks pretty sweet. Other than that, it’s going to be a sweet surprise.

And while I do have a mass of emotions inside of me, I mostly just feel ready. I feel prepared. Of course I’m excited and anxious and stressed and sad and worried and scared. I feel like all of those emotions go hand-in-hand with missions and traveling and life. But I also feel peace. I know that the Lord has called me to this. I know that His hand is so deep into these plans He’s making that I won’t be able to ever leave them. I know that there are going to be struggles and I’m not always going to like my team even though they seem so great right now. But it’s okay. The Lord will help me and stand by me. The Lord will give me strength to love. The Lord will continue to work.

I’m excited to leave tomorrow. I’m so happy that we only have one more sleep. I know this is kind of a short one, but just think- the next one I write, I’ll be in Nepal! Woot whoot!

Prayer Requests:

– safe travels for my squad/all the squads

– overwhelming peace

– that all luggage gets there with us

– that the rest of my support comes in