When people ask me my route, I can usually name 10 out of the 11 countries. But for some reason, I always forget Estonia. I’m sorry Estonia, it’s not personal. I don’t really know that much about Estonia. In fact, I didn’t even know where it was previous to yesterday. It’s right here. I know that now. 

For some reason, I’m not looking forward as much to going to the European countries. I think that to me, it seems like less of an adventure. Which is not true. Estonia is in need just as much as any other country in the world. They need to know Jesus. Only 49% claim to be Christian. The rest are non-religious. Despite the fact that 49% are Christian, it’s similar to America in that it’s simply a cultural thing. They’re Christians because their parents were Christians and their parents were Christians, but they don’t know Jesus. I can’t wait to introduce them. 

One thing that I am excited for is that Estonia was previously occupied by the Soviet. I’m interested to see how that has influenced the country. It’s a very successful country, with a high income economy and ranks very highly on the Human Development Index. It’s so beautiful looking, and I can’t wait to find out what I’m going to do to help them. I can’t wait to meet them and introduce them to Jesus. I pray that they will realize that Christianity isn’t just a label. It’s a belief, it’s a lifestyle, it’s a relationship.