So I can of had a freak out earlier today about leaving again (I’m just going to Georgia!) and about not going to college. I mean, I don’t want to go to college but people have been telling me that I need a college degree to be successful so I started freaking out! I don’t even really care about success honestly, I mean I want to be a hard worker and what not but ultimately I just want to further the Kingdom. I want to see HEAVEN invade earth. So I was thinkin’ and prayin’ and chillin’ today and God gave me this:
Leprosy of the mind, soul, and body…before you know it you are numb, desensitized. Blind. Society, media tells you who to be and how to live. What about the orphans, widows, prostitutes, drug addicts, and desolate? I’m talking about here and beyond the borders we call home. So look around and look beyond before leprosy of the mind, soul, and body spreads…to you.
Get behind me satan! You have no authority here to steal and throw lies at me. GET BEHIND ME SATAN! I am moving to Georgia and I am going to live in community and I am going to Apprentice with AIM and I AM GOING TO FURTHER THE KINGDOM OF GOD. Society, media, friends, family…no one will dictate what I should do and WHO I should be. My allegiance is to the Lord. I will be obedient to the Lord above all and I will let my hair blow in His crazy, wild, furious wind! I will look reckless and irresponsible to the world but I will be chasing wildly and without hestitation after my Lord and I will please HIM. I will not ignore His voice, His call. I will sacrifice my voice so HIS voice can be heard.
I will go and keep going until he tells me to stay.