El Salvador was so great, in fact I miss my friends Victor and Juan Carlos so much!  I think the thing that made me love El Salvador so much was the love that our contacts showed us.  Victor was such a servant, he was always driving us here and there and when we lost our cook, he stepped up and cooked for us.  I swear, that guy never stops serving.  And then there is Juan Carlos, the most joyful and full of life person that I have ever met.  We were constantly laughing.  I can honestly say that those guys are my good friends.  El Salvador was hard to leave and it was different then leaving the other places because I knew that I was leaving two great friends behind and the uncertainty or not knowing if I will see them again broke my heart.  I cried…okay wept.  It was hard.  I never knew that I could get so attached to people in just one month!  Like I said, I love El Salvador and I hope God calls me back there some day but who knows.
Victor and I
Me and Juan Carlos
We drove from El Salvador to Antigua, Guatemala and spent a few days there at debrief before heading to Thailand.  Yes, you heard me right…THAILAND!  Right now, I am sitting in Thailand.  I can’t even believe it…especially after spending five months in Latin America.  Talk about a culture shock!  I have been trying to speak Spanish to everyone and almost leaned in to kiss a couple of cheeks and trust me…they do not do that in Thailand.  This month we will be working with SHE Thailand, a really awesome ministry.  Basically they get women and children out of the sex trade and teach them a skill like jewelry making so they can have an income.  It is a christian organize ran by a married couple.  Check it out and pray about supporting this ministry:  www.shethailand.org
I am exhuasted because we just got in Phuket, Thailand this morning after a 12 hour bus ride from Bangkok.  I will try to write another blog soon.  Please be praying for my team and the other teams this month.  We will be working and living with 3 other teams this month.  Also, please be praying for SHE ministry and for the grace of God to cover the men who are a part of supporting the sex trade.  Pray for break through for them and pray for identity…that both the women and men would find there identity in the Lord, and the Lord alone.