I've struggled with expectations for a while now.  Life experiences have taught me that expectations are rarely met, people let you down and the grass is always greener on the other side… untill you get there.  At some point I became aware of the fact that not everyone has the same level of expectaions that I do.  I was baffled by people who could passively go about their lives just sort of "getting by" or living a life I considered "lacking" in adventure, interest or passion.  I'm a pretty passionate person so I was not only baffled but actually found it offensive.  I realized this was not a healthy perspective but couldn't quite figure out why I took others lack of drive so personally… it just really bothered me!  I want to see passion, purpose for getting up in the morning and drive toward something… EXPECTATIONS for life!  I realized that my perfectionistic nature causes me to set high goals for myself and others.  I constantly found myself in situations that didn't meet my expectations.  I would seek advise from people who told me "life is all about expectations" and "set your expectations low so you won't be dissapointed"!  This just wasn't the motto I was willing to live my life by.  I've always had this deep down conviction that this life holds more for me than the ordinary.  As I grew closer to the Lord I realized "that deep down feeling" was the holy spirit pushing me to pursue this life with all I have.  I've learned that God actually created us with dreams and passions that only He could fulfill!

There is no limit on how big you can dream with God or how high your expectations of Him can be set!  I know I was created for a greater purpose than the mundane and that this world doesn't satisfy my dreams or expectations because I wasn't created for here!  In Him I can dream the huge dreams I have because I know He not only gave them to me but He is completly capable of fulfiling them.  I don't have to hold so tightly to the plan I made for myself (the one where all of the monumental events I hope to experience are mapped out on a mental timeline)!  I'm living in the freedom that I can give that up, all my planning and striving could never add up to what God can do with my life!  In Him my life is secure and I no longer have to achieve goals on my own, I just have to be obedient to what He's asking me to do.  I can set huge expectations for my life because that communicates my understanding of who He is and what He is capable of as well as my trust in Him to fulfil them!

With that said, here are my expectation for the next year of my life…

-I will miraculously fit everything I need to survive for 11 months in a backpack weighing under 40 lbs.
-I will learn to pitch a tent. (I sort of hate to admit that to my fellow teammates who might be reading)
-I will do things that terrify me!
-I will see $15,500 raised to fund my trip and be amazed by how God does it!
-I will be used to do things I never dreamed I was capable of or equiped for.
-God will write a much better story with my life than I could ever dream up.
-My dreams and passions for this life will become unimaginably greater than before.
-I will learn to live outside the box and be stretched in every way possible.
-I will develop deeper trust in God and a greater understanding of who He is.
-My team will become a family to me and life will look drastically different.
-We will suffer to further the message of Christ.
-We will experience set backs, the enemy will come against us and we will be tested.
-God will show up when we call on His name!

I expect to witness miracles, that God will show up in tangible ways to demonstrate His power and prove His love!  I expect to see healing, salvation, deliverance and life change!  I expect that He will provide for each step that we take on The World Race and that we will learn to walk in faith.  I expect to share the message of our amazing savior, who not only paid the ransom for our lives but wants to write an incredible story with it.

My hope is that I'm not the only one learning to dream much bigger over this next year and that I would see family and friends step out in the AMAZING things that God has in store for them!

I can't wait to hear the stories!