A little birdie told me that my favorite ladies’ class in the whole wide world is going to be reading my blog during class today, so I finished this in time just for them. Love you ladies, you are all absolutely wonderful!

So…the paper lanterns. Our last night in Thailand, the eight of us girls sent paper lanterns up into the sky, and with those lanterns, we sent up some prayers. Our contact Rommel gave a short devotional beforehand about giving things up to God that we might have been holding onto. As he was talking, I started to think about my future, and how I have been worried all month long about not having a plan when I get home.

My lantern was lit, and I let go. As it drifted into the sky, with it went all of my worries about the future, and I sang this song:

“Lord I give you my heart, I give you my soul, I live for you alone.
Every breath that I take, every moment I’m awake, Lord have your way in me.”

I went to sleep that night feeling lighter than I had in weeks. I finally put the control of my future into the right hands.

The very next day, I found out that I had been accepted into grad school!! I feel like God was waiting until I gave up control to Him to bless me with this amazing opportunity.

Whether you have a paper lantern or not, I encourage you to send some things up to God that you might have been holding onto. Put your life in His hands, and I am sure you will find that things fall into a place where you have an unexplainable peace.