I have stared at this screen for far too long trying to
figure out how to sum up my experience this past month, so I am just going to
throw this all out there.


In the minds of most people, blessings have turned into
expectations, into norms. It is normal to us to have houses with electricity,
with running water, with indoor toilets. We expect to have toilet paper, cold
water, and a variety of nourishing foods. These things that are blessings have
been turned into necessities.


Let me tell you, you CAN live without these things. You can
live without these things and still feel completely blessed. Believe me, I did
it this past month.


In a lot of ways, I feel like my life was more enriched
because of lack. I learned what things are really necessary for life, and in
turn, I am much more grateful for the blessings.


You CAN survive even though every single meal consists of
potatoes or rice. You CAN drink warm water when you are thirsty. You CAN shower
using a bucket in a straw hut. You CAN use a squatty potty, even when it is
swarming with cockroaches.


I loved not having electricity because it meant that all we
could do with our spare time was hang out with each other or with God. I loved
using squatty potties because of all the hilarious stories that have come from
them. I love drinking warm water every day of my life because it makes me that
much more thankful when I am blessed with cold water.


Need is a funny word, because when it comes down to it, we
really don’t need all that much. I encourage you to be grateful for what you
are blessed with, and don’t let those blessings overshadow those things that
could be even bigger blessings.