Hey guys! This is Carmen, Alicia asked me to post on her blog to let you all know that she is safe in Malawi! The computer she was using in Africa would not let her log into her blog site, but she is safe! Most likely we will not get to hear from her at all this month, because they will be staying in villages with huts, so needless to say they won’t have internet access. This is the first month she will get to use her little tent! =)

Here is Alicia’s last Facebook status about arriving in Africa for those of you who are not Facebook users.

We are finally here in Nkhota Kota, Malawi! We
probably won’t have internet for the rest of the month because we are
going into some rural villages for the next couple weeks. ps….I love
Africa =) And. I saw monkies!” -Alicia

Here is the blog that Alicia’s teammate Kara posted upon arrival to Malawi with Alicia and the rest of their team.

“Hey Everyone!!! WE are in AFRICA!!! I am super
pumped about it and am in love so far.  We are in a small town called
Nkhotakota, Malawi.  It is in the northern part and we are leaving
tomorrow to go camping for 11 days by the lake and small villages to
spread God’s love to people who have never been reached!  This month we
have NO electricity or internet! It is pretty sweet but hard for
blogging.  Just know that when I get a chance there will be many blogs
posted about my experiences here 🙂 Love you all!” -Kara

Please continue to be praying for her and her team as they serve the
people of Malawi and get to be the hands and feet of Christ. Also,
Alicia still has a little over $3,000 left before she is fully funded
for her trip. If you would be getting her a Christmas present if she was
in America, why not use that money to keep her on this trip. =)