You decide you are going to take the morning and go on a hike. You arrive at a mountain, and you face two trails. The sign for the trail on the left says “challenge” and the one on the right says “easy.” Which do you choose? What kind of experience are you looking for?

There’s living, then there’s being alive.

Living. Its complacency. Simply living is doing the minimum to get by. It is meeting expectations instead of exceeding them. It is floating along. Living is wanting more for doing less. The American Dream. Living is coming up with ways to make everything less strenuous. Its taking the easy trail on the mountain.

Being alive. Its facing a hardship instead of doing all you can to avoid it. Its tackling doubts and fears that could be overlooked. Being alive means taking life to a new level. It takes effort. Confidence. Trust in ourselves, trust in other people, trust in God. Being alive is taking the challenging trail on the mountain. Being alive comes with scrapes, but it also produces deeper character.

What kind of experience are you looking for in this life?