changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we
leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before
we can enter another.  ~Anatole France
Lately, I have been thinking quite often about change. It comes in all shapes and sizes, and, welcome or not, it comes into all of our lives.
                Experiences change us.
                                     People change us.
                                                   God changes us.
Change is never promised to be painless. It brings uncertainty, which is often accompanied by fear. Change can often reshape us. Pieces of ourselves might become more important or they might fade as a distant memory from the past.
This is a season of my life that brings about change. I am transitioning from being a college student to a student of the real world. I am moving from an extravagant lifestyle, with running water and a bed, to a minimal one, with tents and backpacks. Soon, I will be meeting a new group of people and we will become family. I am going into an unknown world.
I take comfort in knowing that, throughout all of these changes and transitions that are soon to come, God will be there to guide each step I take.
 As I prepare for this journey, I bring a backpack, a tent, a Bible, the love of God, and the support of people I love. These things are enough to give me the confidence I need to step out of my comfort zone and share my faith with people around the world.
Today, I am making the decision to embrace the changes that are coming my way. I hope and pray that I can maintain an open mind when it comes to my future opportunities so God will have room to work in my life.