I am excited to announce that my nephew Grayson Lee was born on May 4th!!
While I get to be an aunt to Grayson all the way from India, I get to be an auntie to lots of children here!  As a form of respect children call anyone older than themselves ‘Auntie’ or ‘Uncle’.  So I constantly hear ‘Auntie!’ or “Auntie Alicia” and I couldn’t love it more!! 
Here are some pictures of the children that call me auntie here in India at Jireh Children’s Home:
Support Update:
As of May 9th I am $1,000 closer to my support goal!!!  Thank you so much to everyone who has supported me thus far.  I do still have $2,557 to be pledged by July 1st or AIM will start the process of sending me home 🙁  It’s not too late to support me, any amount will help!  Please click on the left of my page “support me” to help me out! 

We only have internet once a week for a limited amount of time so more blogs will come next friday, sorry for the overload